Our Story
Serving our community since 1981, Mike and Peggy Hartshorn, from St. Mary Parish German Village, joined the pro-life movement after the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade on January 22, 1973. With the support of their Catholic friends and other passionate, pro-life Christians, they envisioned the first pregnancy help center in Columbus. Before “Pregnancy Distress Center” even opened its doors on January 22, 1981, they answered its first hotline calls from their bedroom. That first center has grown to become PDHC, with four locations and a thriving 24/7 Hotline.
The Hartshorns continue to work tirelessly as strong PDHC supporters. They mentor the next generation of leaders and advocate for the women and families PDHC helps.
Our Services
Youth Development
Our youth program provides middle and high school students in Franklin and Fairfield Counties with healthy choice education. Topics include: Healthy Relationships, Substance Abuse, Achieving Life Goals, STIs, Character Building, Media Influence, and Decision Making.
Our Mission
Empowering individuals to make healthy life choices consistent with the God-given intrinsic value of every human life.
Our Vision
Impacting generations for Christ through a legacy of life.