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A Mighty Room of Warriors for LIFE!

A mighty room of “Warriors for Life” gathered at PDHC’s Celebration for Life Galas this year. We would like to sincerely thank everyone who joined us including Board members, both past and present, individuals from PDHC’s Founding Generation, the outstanding PDHC team, many faithful volunteers, and hundreds of supportive individuals and community church partners.  

We shared information on Ohio’s pro-life laws that are now being challenged through the courts due to the passing of Issue 1 last year. Recently, a Franklin County Common Pleas Court Judge issued a preliminary injunction against enforcing the state law that required a 24-hour waiting period for a woman seeking an abortion. It also blocked the informed consent requirement to inform a woman of all her options regarding her pregnancy before obtaining an abortion. This means “Same Day Abortions” are now available.


The second ruling was from a Hamilton County Common Pleas Court Judge, who issued a preliminary injunction against the laws governing the distribution of the abortion pill. Prior to this ruling, only licensed physicians could provide the abortion pill drug mifepristone. This opens the door for non-doctors, including Advanced Practicing Nurses, Physician Assistants, Midwives, and certified pharmacies to prescribe and provide the abortion pill. This also challenges the requirement that the abortion pill is only distributed in accordance with the FDA’s Health and Safety Guidelines, which prohibits medical providers from prescribing mifepristone in any way that differs from their printed label direction. This means doctors and advanced practitioners may choose to prescribe these drugs off-label after 10 weeks gestation.


Our common-sense pro-life laws were put in place for a reason, to protect the health and safety of moms and babies during a vulnerable time. Challenges to these laws will continue to work their way through the courts for permanent rulings.

The evenings were full of education and impact. Sierra shared her journey through successful Abortion Pill Reversal Services provided at PDHC. We got to meet her beautiful daughter Sawyer, her happy and healthy daughter who turns 1 year old next month. PDHC is currently 1 of only 7 pregnancy centers in Ohio providing this service.

We shared the impact of our 24/7 hotline, and their response to over 44,000 calls, texts, and chats already through August of this year. PDHC’s four pregnancy centers have served over 1,500 individuals through over 2,500 visits so far this year and have provided over 1,000 pregnancy tests and over 830 ultrasounds, resulting in 671 life decisions. 


As of August, PDHC’s Family Empowerment Program has helped over 650 new moms and over 220 new dads participate in parenting education classes through over 11,400 online and over 620 in-person classes. We have provided over 2,200 material aid visits to receive practical support through much-needed baby items, including the distribution of over 123,300 diapers.


PDHC’s Common Sense Culture program (CSC) has provided sexual risk avoidance education to over 5,400 middle and high school students in 32 schools.


And we are here for women and men struggling with grief and trauma from a past abortion experience through PDHC’s Abortion Recovery Programs and Services. We heard from John and Toni as they shared their story and their struggles and how they found healing. So far this year, we have been able to help 59 women and men through multiple healing opportunities and have responded to over 2,300 calls and texts on their 24/7 CareLine.

The average cost to provide free and comprehensive services at PDHC is: 

We will be sharing the videos of our guest speakers, Dr. Anthony Levatino and David Bereit, on our website in the next week.  


If you were unable to attend but would like to contribute to our Celebration for Life Galas, you may give here:  


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