Most of the women who walk through our pregnancy center doors are in their first trimester of pregnancy at 12 weeks and under. This may be an unexpected or challenging pregnancy, and she may be filled with an overwhelming range of emotions and facing many life obstacles. We listen to her unique and personal story. She is provided education on her developing baby and the precious gift and beauty of an ultrasound by a nurse so she can witness the miracle of a growing life. Giving her this time to talk with someone provides her the opportunity to take a breath and think through her options so she is fully informed and doesn’t make a life-altering decision she later regrets.
Unfortunately, we learned on Friday, that a Franklin County Common Pleas judge, granted a preliminary injunction against enforcing the state law that required a 24-hour waiting period for women seeking an abortion. It also blocked the informed consent requirement to inform a woman on all her options regarding pregnancy. The judge said this law violated Ohio’s new abortion amendment, which was the result of the passing of Issue 1 last year.
Peter Range, Center for Christian Virtue’s Senior Fellow for Strategic Initiatives said, “Facing an unexpected pregnancy, a mother deserves to know all of her options, free from coercion or pressure. Ohio's common-sense law requiring a 24-hour waiting period before a mother procures an abortion gives her the time, space, and opportunity to learn about the resources that are available to her.”
Receiving a personalized consultation and understanding the development of her baby is crucial. According to research by the Charlotte Lozier Institute, the baby is rapidly developing during the first 12 weeks: All of the major organs have formed. The four-chambered heart pumps over six quarts of blood per day. The heart has already beat over 10 million times. Each finger moves separately. The developing baby sucks its thumb, with a preference for its left or right hand. Unique fingerprints are forming. The developing baby has a face and exhibits complex behaviors. Teeth are developing. The body responds to touch and may experience pain. The brain is forming at a rapid rate. The brain connections formed at 12 weeks gestation survive into adulthood. You can read the full article at .
We believe every woman deserves love and support during an unexpected pregnancy and that no woman should feel alone, coerced, or so hopeless that she feels abortion is her only option.
Please join us at next month’s Celebration for Life Galas, either in Lancaster or in Columbus. The evenings will be filled with nationally renowned guest speakers, moments of celebration, powerful testimonies, education, impact, and vision.