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Celebration of Restoration

I will never forget the weight of my own words when I told the abortion recovery leader that I couldn’t accept her invitation to the Celebration of Restoration Luncheon. “I don’t want anyone to know that I had an abortion,” I admitted, fear gripping my heart. But instead of judgment, she met me with kindness. She understood. With grace and patience, she continued to encourage me—gently guiding me toward healing groups, a retreat, and monthly support meetings. She walked beside me, but more importantly, God did. 

For two years, I wrestled with my shame, hesitating to step fully into healing. Then, one day, something in me shifted. I finally accepted the invitation. 

As I arrived at the Celebration of Restoration Luncheon, I was both excited and anxious, not knowing what to expect. But what I witnessed that day took my breath away. The room was filled with women whose faces radiated joy, hope, and redemption—women who had walked the same painful road I had. Their beauty was not just external; it was the unmistakable glow of hearts set free. 

At that moment, my shame began to dissolve. I felt God whispering to my soul, reminding me of His unfailing forgiveness. I saw what I had been longing for—peace, joy, and freedom. And then, with a heart wide open, I finally embraced the truth: I was not beyond redemption. God’s love was not just for them; it was for me too. 

That day, I stepped into the fullness of His grace, ready to receive the beautiful gift of restoration He had been holding for me all along. 

aR and Celebration of Restoration Participant 

In 2016, the first Celebration of Restoration Luncheon was held, a special moment for women to rejoice in the freedom found in Christ. Together, they celebrate their healing journeys, honoring the courage it took to take that first step toward recovery. In unity, they acknowledge that they are not alone in their regret. As a community, they gather to give glory and praise to God for His boundless goodness and mercy. 

PDHC continues to host this meaningful luncheon every year, offering a space for women who have walked through the difficult experience of abortion. This year, we joyfully celebrate 10 years of healing and restoration! The event is held in a beautiful setting, featuring an inspiring guest speaker and a delightful lunch, where women can connect, heal, and experience the hope that only God can provide. 

We invite you to partner with us in making this event even more impactful by becoming a sponsor. Your generous support will help provide a safe and healing environment for women on their journey to restoration. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.

The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

2 Cor.5:17 


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