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For Such a Time as This

For such a time as this…. It’s hard to believe we are over halfway through the year. Together, through your prayers, your gift of time volunteering and sharing of your talents, and your gifts of financial support, we are impacting many lives. Here are some of the beautiful moments happening through the people and the programs and services at PDHC so far this year.

Individuals that encounter PDHC for the first time often experience this through the 24/7 crisis hotline. They are met with a kind and compassionate voice on the other end, someone who genuinely cares, who listens to their personal story and the challenges and obstacles they are facing, guides them through their emotions in this moment and connects them with an appointment in one of our pregnancy centers for help. The hotline team balances multiple connections, sends appointment reminders, makes schedule adjustments based on individual urgent needs, sends follow-up surveys after appointments, and most importantly prays over the individuals they encounter. Already this year, hotline staff and volunteers have responded to over 1,800 calls, more than 2,300 chats, and over 32,000 texts. Of the individuals who responded to the survey after services, 98% say they would recommend PDHC to their friends, 99% say they were given the help and referrals they needed, and 98% say the staff treated them with respect and showed an interest in their needs.

We have already served over 1,100 individuals through more than 1,900 visits to our pregnancy resource centers. We have provided over 800 pregnancy tests, and more than 600 ultrasounds, resulting in 529 life decisions. With 80% of abortions in Franklin County now occurring through the chemical abortion pill, it is critical that we can give women who regret starting a chemical abortion a second chance to save their baby through Abortion Pill Reversal services (APR). This year we have been able to give six women this second chance. In the centers, the staff and volunteers continue to meet every individual’s immediate and ongoing needs physically, emotionally, and spiritually so she never feels alone in her journey. We walk alongside, providing her with a vision beyond her circumstances, and helping her see her value and the life of her child through God’s eyes. A recent client shared: “I couldn’t do it, the decision to keep my fourth pregnancy was a difficult one. However, my encounter with PDHC made and brought a whole new meaning to life. Alyssa and the whole team made it happen. Through PDHC things came in handy, resources were easily available and accessible. By the grace of God, ‘our new dawn’ is here, and we give all glory to God and to PDHC. You made it happen,” she said.

Through PDHC’s Family Empowerment Program, parenting education classes, along with much-needed baby items, provide a crucial resource for individuals and families throughout their pregnancy and beyond through the first year of their baby’s life. This year, we have held over 300 in-person education classes on topics such as Eating During Pregnancy, Healthy Relationships, Drugs and Alcohol, Help Me Grow, Parenting through Stages, and Fatherhood Community. Over 6,600 online classes have been provided on hundreds of topics. Over 1,000 baby boutique visits have provided diapers, wipes, clothing, car seats, pack-n-plays, and more. This year, 362 new moms and 99 dads have participated in these resources. Recently, a woman who was shopping in the boutique said she wanted to tell someone how much she had been helped. She said she was so grateful for the support provided through classes and baby supplies. She had not been prepared to have a baby. Her baby is healthy, and she reported she is even finding ways to give to others. Stephanie, the Family Empowerment Program Manager, said none of this is possible without the amazing team of volunteers who put in hours doing everything from sending online classes, assisting on shopping days, wrapping thousands of diapers, washing clothing, organizing the boutique, bundling hundreds of onesies, helping with remodeling, and cleaning. “So many Churches, VBS programs, individuals and businesses have partnered with us to be God’s provision for PDHC and these families. Thank you,” said Stephanie.

Matt, Director of PDHC’s Common Sense Culture Program (CSC), reflected on the impact of the CSC program: “The CSC program is continuing to impact students in central Ohio. This past school year, the CSC team reached 37 different schools and over 5,000 students with Character and Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA) Education. Our students are making it clear that SRA education is needed in every school and community. One high school student said, ‘Keep educating others because you are changing lives.’ Another student said, ‘I liked that you were direct and always answered the questions truthfully.’ These are just a few of the thousands of comment cards we receive, with 95% of them being positive feedback. One of the most impressive takeaways from the school year is that we had two Directors of Curriculum reach out to us to come into districts that we have never been in after hearing rave reviews of our program from other participating districts. The favor of God is on the program, and He is using our educators as vessels to speak the truth in love to the students.”

PDHC’s Abortion Recovery (aR) programs and services provide a place where individuals can talk openly about their abortion experiences with someone who understands and helps walk them through their healing journeys. PDHC provides personalized consultations, drop in aR Connection Meetings, Recovery Support Groups, weekend retreats, and an annual Celebration of Restoration luncheon to provide a community of support. 56 individuals have started their healing journey this year and have found a community of support through over 300 participant sessions. The aR program also operates a 24/7 CareLine and has already responded to 119 calls and 1,790 texts this year. In addition, 63 individuals celebrated with their new sisters in Christ at this year’s Celebration of Restoration luncheon. Cindy, aR Coordinator, shared about a beautiful, self-assured woman who was confused by her sadness after a recent abortion, which she believed was the best decision for her. She stated she would make the same decision again. She came to the retreat expecting immediate relief, or a quick fix, from her emotions. Instead, she realized the truth of what she had lost and the impact of her decision. She allowed herself to grieve the loss of her child and to accept God’s love and forgiveness.

For such a time as this…thank you for walking alongside moms and their babies, dads, students, and individuals in need of healing.

…and who knows whether you have not come to the Kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

Rescuing Lives and Impacting Generations, one Heartbeat at a Time.

Kathy Scanlon, PDHC President


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