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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!


This season, our hearts are overflowing with gratitude.


First and foremost, we are thankful for God’s abundant blessings on this ministry, allowing us to be a continual beacon of hope to women and families in the community for over 43 years.  


We are thankful for new moms who inspire us every day as they courageously navigate unexpected or challenging pregnancies, even during difficult circumstances. So far this year, we are celebrating 862 life decisions.  


We are thankful that over 4,000 middle and high school youth in over 40 schools have received character-building and healthy choices education through our Common Sense Culture program.   


We are thankful for the hope and healing services provided to 72 individuals struggling from a past abortion experience through our Abortion Recovery program.  


We are thankful for our church and community partners who are a true reflection of Christ’s love as they boldly stand for life and provide ongoing support to moms, babies, dads, and their families. Over 700 new moms and over 250 new dads have participated in more than 15,000 online and 800 in-person parenting education classes. They have received much-needed baby items through over 2,800 material aid visits to our baby boutique, and over 156,000 diapers have been distributed.  


We are thankful for our life-givers, whose generous hearts and faithful donations save, and change lives every day making all of this possible through PDHC’s four pillars of service.  


We are thankful for our incredible volunteers, including our passionate prayer warriors, who selflessly give their time and talents. Through you, hearts and minds are changed every day. Already this year, over 250 volunteers have dedicated more than 8,000 hours of their time to serve women and families in need.  


We are thankful for a team of passionate individuals who have answered God’s call to compassionately serve on the front lines, saving countless lives from abortion. The relationships they build impact the lives of families today and for generations to come. So far this year, we have been blessed to serve nearly 2,000 individuals through over 3,500 visits to our 4 pregnancy centers. We have responded to over 55,000 calls, texts, and chats on our hotline.  


Every individual involved in this ministry is a true reflection of our chosen scripture for 2024, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8.


From all of us, thank you for walking this journey with us. Together, we are Rescuing Lives and Impacting Generations, One Heartbeat at a Time!


With grateful hearts,

Kathy Scanlon, President

and the PDHC Team


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