The following story comes from a woman who experienced the compassionate care at PDHC that was free from judgement and from a place of love from staff and volunteers who truly care about the well-being of each client.
Tori shares, “My healing journey started a year ago, thanks to PDHC. I walked into the North clinic, knowing I was pregnant with my mind set on having an abortion.
I did not want a child and I was not prepared to have a child. I went back to the room with Nurse Kathy and she asked if she could pray for me. I agreed and she prayed. I explained my difficult situation to her. Nurse Kathy was attentive and understating throughout the conversation. But once I mentioned I had a previous abortion and I was going to have another, because I was not affected by the prior one (so I thought). I felt as if her heart broke & her words to me were, “Oh, no Tori”.
Those words she spoke where not from a judgmental place but a caring one.
As if she truly cared for me, the child I aborted and the one I was carrying.
I could really understand and feel the love and care she had for us, just from those three words. She asked me to wait until the next appointment to really think about the other alternatives she presented to me (abortion, adoption, and parenting). It was clear to me that even if I were to choose abortion, Nurse Kathy would still be understanding and kind. I agreed and took the information, she also handed me information about abortion recovery, and explained how the abortion recovery program was a safe place to talk about my abortion.” Sources such as the March of Dimes and Web MD share that anywhere from 15-30% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. Tori continues with her story. “After weighing my three choices, I decided to parent and to return for my ultrasound with Nurse Kathy. Unfortunately, I lost the child, (to miscarriage) but I gained a family at PDHC through its support in the abortion recovery program.
As Tori shared, Nurse Kathy knew she could benefit from the abortion recovery program, so she introduced Tori to Cindy, Healing Services Coordinator. “This is when the healing really took into effect, Cindy reached out to me, and invited me to the monthly drop-in connection meeting happening that month. I did not attend but she called me the next day and talked about the programs they have to offer. That’s when I started Keys to Hope and Healing. It is such a lovely program and the study, and my facilitators reassured me that I was not alone. Even, after hearing others´ stories, I felt really bad about my story. I was comparing and thinking about how mine was not as bad as others and I really did such a selfish act. I went into a headspace and did not feel as if I could be redeemed from my act. But sticking with the program like my facilitators and Cindy asked me to do, I was able to regain my voice and got out of my own way! I was able to name the two children I lost, Emmanuel and Malachi. After the 6-week program, I attended the drop-in aR Connection monthly meetings regularly and with anticipation. Forming that family connection and really knowing that PDHC was a safe place with people who understand the journey I am on. After Keys to Hope and Healing, I continued receiving the healing I needed from the Rachel´s Vineyard Weekend Retreat. At the retreat is when I felt the connection to Emmanuel, my son, and the loss that took place. The shame was lifted, I grieved, and God came and held me. Now about a year later, I have my voice back and I am not ashamed of what I went through. I’m reaching back and wanting to help others. I’m becoming a volunteer with PDHC. Hoping to help other women through their healing journeys and finding the Joy in the Lord as I do it. With God’s grace, my sons were able to help heal their mother, and I found a community, a community that I prayed for. I’m excited about my future with PDHC and the impact that we can have on our community.”
Tori’s story shows the truly powerful story of restored purpose of this young woman’s testimony. Isn’t that just like God to not only forgive us, shower us in grace, and then redeem our stories and use us to help others who are brokenhearted? He is a loving Father, God!
And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10