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Mom Sierra and Baby Sawyer's Journey

Mom Sierra and Baby Sawyer’s PDHC Journey:

Like most of the women we serve, Sierra found herself in challenging circumstances facing an unexpected pregnancy.  She felt scared, hopeless, and alone.  Out of fear, she found herself in the abortion clinic, swallowing the abortion pill.  With immediate regret, she began reaching out for help but was told there was no hope.  Leaving the clinic parking lot very distraught, her eyes focused on a sign that read, “If you took the first pill, it’s not too late, we can help,” along with the hotline number for the Abortion Pill Rescue Network (APRN).  

That phone call changed the trajectory of her story.

Sierra was immediately connected to PDHC, the closest pregnancy center to her providing Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) Services.  She drove two hours to our center and experienced pure joy when the ultrasound provided by our nurse showed a strong, healthy heartbeat. She was connected to our medical doctor to begin a successful reversal process.  As Sierra continued with her prenatal care, PDHC continued to follow up with her making sure she had all the support she needed.Her beautiful daughter, Sawyer, was born in October - a perfect, happy, and healthy baby.  Sierra is thankful for God’s grace and mercy. “He didn’t have to let me keep her,” she said.  She is sharing her story to educate and help others facing similar situations. Her story is not unusual.  Chemical abortions via the abortion pill continue to rise, representing 87%* of abortions in Franklin County.  APR services like those provided at PDHC become more critical, giving women like Sierra, a second chance to save their babies.  At least one million lives will be lost to abortion this year in America.  With the passing of Issue 1, we can expect many of Ohio’s existing pro-life laws to be challenged this year through legislative and judicial action.  We must all stand boldly and do our part to protect the sanctity of human life. Thank you for walking alongside this ministry to Rescue Lives and Impact families for Generations, One Heartbeat at a Time.

*Ohio Department of Health 2022

~Kathy Scanlon PDHC President


The Changing Face of Abortion Today Abortion trends following the overturn of Roe Heartbeat International


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