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Respect Life Month

October is recognized as Respect Life Month, a time to reflect on the value, the gift, and the sanctity of every human life as created in the image and likeness of God. October is also recognized as Pastor Appreciation or Clergy Appreciation Month. PDHC is blessed with the partnership of over 100 active Catholic, Protestant, and Non-Denominational Christian Church community partners. We are so thankful for our amazing pastors, priests, ministers, and other clergy members for their service, dedication, and spiritual leadership. They are essential to the mission of promoting a culture of life, and together, across diverse traditions, we stand with one voice, dedicated to the mission of saving lives and promoting the dignity and value of every life. Together, we go forth with passion and purpose, serving as vessels of hope and protection to those most vulnerable.   


“During this Clergy Appreciation Month, I extend a heartfelt message of gratitude to the many pastors and priests who support our mission. There is no question that your financial impact on PDHC is tremendous...from your participation in our "Bottles for Life" events to your generous church contributions, you play a crucial role in furthering the work of our life-saving ministry. However, it is through your fervent prayers that the lives of our mothers are transformed, and the spirits of our staff are sustained. You boldly and courageously lead your flock to the truth of the dignity of every human life! Thank you for this and for all you do.” 

~Kristin G., Lancaster Outreach Coordinator.


“With a heart full of gratitude and humility, I want to recognize the pastors and priests of our partner churches. Thank you for your unwavering support of PDHC - our centers, our clients, and our staff. Thanks for the many ways you fervently stand for life - by protecting the unborn, providing for the material and spiritual needs of our moms and dads, and helping those whose lives have been impacted by the trauma of abortion. Your commitment to our mission and those who are most vulnerable makes a significant difference in the lives of so many families in our community. Thank you for changing lives one heartbeat at a time!” 

~Anne Marie W., Columbus Outreach Coordinator.


Jesus came to serve, and He calls each of us to do the same. We need to be here for her NOW, to provide her the love and support to choose life. If she has had an abortion, we need to be here for her THEN, to provide hope and healing through God’s unconditional love and mercy.  


Recently, I received an anonymous letter and was asked to share it where it would be most beneficial. I wanted to share it with you to show the need for pregnancy centers and the love and support of our church communities.  


“Hello, I am writing to you because I understand where you are…so many emotions and thoughts. How do I know? I was in your same shoes. I was confused, scared, embarrassed, and simply wanted it to not be true. I remember all the thoughts that raced through my head. Why me? I am a student. I cannot afford this baby. I will have to change the plans I had. I don’t even know who the father is! What will everyone think about me?

Although my story may not match yours, I hope that the lessons I have learned will help. You see, I was a recent college graduate who could have definitely changed my plans of graduate school and got a job or just taken classes part-time. I could not see any options. I just wanted my “problem” to go away. Don’t get me wrong. I loved babies but was not ready for one. I was dating two different fellas and so when that pregnancy test came back positive, I didn’t even know what to do or who to contact. Long story short, I got a phone number for an abortion clinic. I aborted my child 33 years ago.


And you know what? I still am ashamed, embarrassed, and so entirely regretful. My heart aches. My “problem” did not go away that day, but the pain in my heart began and will remain with me forever. I cannot change my decision. YOU CAN! Do not repeat my mistake! I am telling you there are options and there are ways for you to face the challenge you are in. 

You were given this child at this very time in your life for a reason. CHOOSE LIFE! I want you to kiss the face of your child. I want you to know that if you choose life, everything will be okay. If your circumstances don’t allow you to keep this child, then consider adoption. 

There is simply no greater gift than that! And I can tell you, this child that is in your womb is bound to bring much joy to you and/or another family. 

Take a deep breath. You are not alone in this journey. Do not make any quick decisions that you will regret. 

I wish someone would have said these things to me. I want more for you. Pray. God will show you the way. Jesus’ Mother Mary was scared too. But God showed her the way. Everything will be okay. I promise!”


Love, Your Friend.


She goes on to say emotionally she is still carrying the scars of an abortion she had 33 years ago, and how she wishes she knew THEN what she knows NOW. She said she wrote these words (“with the help of Mary, our most blessed Mother”) for young women experiencing unplanned pregnancies.  


Although we were not able to help this individual at the time of her pregnancy, we are here for her now to guide her through her healing journey. For Abortion Recovery help, call/text 24/7, 614-721-2100.


Thank you for serving God through your support and generosity!


Kathy Scanlon, President


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