There have been so many beautiful moments and so many lives impacted over the last four decades at PDHC. Just like God worked through the life of Esther to fulfill His purposes, He has and continues to work through each of us every day, for such a time as this. It is through your gifts of prayer, time, and financial support, and the people, services, and programs at PDHC, that lives are saved and changed every day. The legacy that has been built at PDHC through God’s work and wisdom and your faithful support will continue to impact families for generations to come.
I invite each of you to experience how God has worked through the lives of us all by attending our upcoming Celebration for Life Galas. In Lancaster, our guest speaker will be Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor, author, and founder of The Abortion Survivors Network ( In Columbus, our guest speaker will be Scott Klusendorf, President of Life Training Institute, author, and narrator in the movie A Matter of Life ( You will also hear from a mom who made a life decision for her baby after visiting and receiving love and support at PDHC, and from a woman who found healing from her past abortion experience through our Abortion Recovery program.
Consider hosting a table and inviting friends and family to join you or help support our Galas through sponsorship opportunities. More information is below, and I look forward to seeing you all there!
Rescuing Lives and Impacting Generations, one Heartbeat at a Time. Kathy Scanlon, PDHC President